A Business Talk Radio Interview in 8 hot NYC minutes!
This was the opportunity that came my way recently. A producer was perusing Being Seen, a directory of therapists, when he found my profile. He ended up reaching out to me to invite me on to a segment on Business Talk Radio to discuss my private practice and what I am seeing during this pandemic time.
Wow! I was certainly excited to have the opportunity to come on to the show and talk about my practice. In a previous life, I had been a national kids’ party planner and did many interviews on TV and radio across the country and so the opportunity felt familiar in one sense. Yet, in another sense, completely new as this was a new business for me after all.
The interview lasted a very few minutes – eight to be exact – and it indeed focused on the business of being in a therapy practice. A few moments were given to what I was seeing during this pandemic time, but the focus was certainly on being a therapist in private practice and on myself — why did I choose this profession, why would people seek to work with me, and what am I hearing when people call me.
It was exciting to experience the familiar rhythm of a media interview, but the new challenge of focusing on my new professional practice. The old and the new met in an exciting and interesting way for me. How often do we get to have such an opportunity? It came along and I ran with it.
I was particularly excited to be interviewed in the NYC area as states like NY and NJ have relaxed some of their rules around who can practice in their states during this emergency so that people’s needs are met. As I prepped for this opportunity, I applied for my temporary license to practice in NJ and I know I am able to do so in NY right now as long as I have a valid license in my home state. So, not only could I be interviewed, but also serve people in the region as well.
If you are interested in this quick NYC media minute, listen here: