It’s a week for showing people whom you love that you indeed love them. There are many ways to show someone you love her. The stores are chock full of cards, chocolates, lace, and more pink and red goods than you could ever imagine. It’s fun to stroll around and take in what has become an overly commercialized holiday.
For me, it’s inspiring to become creative and go old school. Do you remember being in elementary school and making a bright box to receive all of the Valentines from your friends at school? I believe the school rule was everyone in a class had to give a Valentine to everyone else. It was a holiday that was designed to include everyone.
You may be making a similar box for your children’s celebration, as well as picking out and/or creating Valentine cards for your kids’ friends. However, I suggest you pause right there and think about your own partner and friends and become curious with the idea of how they would feel to receive a Valentine from you?
My guess is — thrilled! When was the last time you received something handmade — let alone a Valentine? Yes, you can buy a box of cards, write a kind note, and send them off. Even using a readymade card can lead to feeling creative. Putting heartfelt words to paper, addressing the envelopes, stamping the cards, and mailing them off is certainly old school. It’s a delightful tradition.
Even more creative? Cutting out a paper heart and sending it in the mail or hand-delivering it to your partner and/or nearby friends. A hand-delivered Valentine that you cut out yourself? My word, the creativity is bursting forth.
We always think that simple correspondence projects like this would land flat, but the opposite is true. Most people never even expect a card like this in the mail — talk about putting a spring in someone’s step. I wonder how that person’s day may change and how she will move forward in her day?
Second, for you, working with paper and scissors can reignite pleasurable, old time memories that can allow one to embody one’s creativity and share the gift with one’s partner, family, and friends. It’s simple really. Add it on to the time you are spending helping your kids do their own Valentines or just take a little time, pull out some paper and scissors and a bright colored pen, and create!
Now is the time to show love!